Here's what I can tell you, if you're a woman, I hope you'll read this book and find a story you connect with. If you're a man, I hope this book will seriously change your perspective.
Yes, this is a book about people who are, or have been, involved in a Christian church at some point in their lives, but don't let that disuade you from reading it. This book may speak to you more than you'd think.
Jim Henderson does an excellent job of covering all walks of faith, including those who've walked away from faith altogether. I wish he'd have included a few more examples of that particular circumstance, however I understand that he probably had some space and publisher constraints. That being said, the time he does spend on the subject makes me wish he dedicate an entire book to people who have been involved in church only to be turned off completely from ever attending again.
What I found in this book what Henderson attempteing to get to the truth of the matter. Why do women give up on, stay quiet in, and sometimes even flee the church as it is run today.
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